Clear Water Guarantee

Clear Water Guarantee
ProEco Clear Water Guarantee Product Chart

By installing ProEco Clear Water Guarantee products you are assured that your pond will have clear, clean and healthy water. ProEco guarantees that if you use the properly sized and maintained Clear Water Guarantee products, that you will have clean and clear water in your pond. The pond water will be clear enough to see the tip of a tape measure at a depth of two feet (24”). Fish and plant load must not exceed recommended levels for the system components that are in use. Use the Clearwater Guarantee chart below to choose the proper products for your Clear Water system.

EZ-PRESS Pressure Filters Pond Size in Gallons Filter Pump UVC
2,000 1,000 EZ-2000 FP-2300 18W included
3,000 1,500 EZ-3000 FP-3200 18W included
4,000 2,000 EZ-4000 FP-3200 36W included




ProEco guarantees that if you use the properly sized and maintained Clear Water Guarantee products, that you will have clean and clear water in your pond. The pond water will be clear enough to see the tip of a tape measure at a depth of two feet (24”). Fish and plant load must not exceed recommended levels for the system components that are in use